Summer is not long enough here in the north. On the newsstands now the September issue of Mens Health, I've an illustration. The subject was a list of 15 must see things. The subject matter was very wide which made it quite difficult to narrow down to show all fifteen items. I guess a two page spread might have worked. The text is a list of fifteen must-see-items in a bullet format. The list of items were to get the "Contemporary Male" off his electronic gizmos, and into the real world. Some of the list includes; Open heart surgery, the grand canyon from the air, a Mark Rothko painting, a local dump/landfill, a desert flower bloom.....and more. Each item was a couple of sentences. Maybe it should have been a picture book for the contemporary humans....hmmmm. Oh well difficult to cram into three quarters of a page. In my first two sketches I just tried to convey a feeling of breaking free. In my third sketch, was a feeling of being awe struck, and blown away. I included a cell phone to represent the electronic gizmos. With the background being the shredding of the "Contemporary Male's" world. The art director, John Dixon, wanted a graphic look. Fine, so I worked with brush & ink, and hand separations keeping a graphic feel with a hand done execution. I gotta get back outside.