More car culture. Orlie Kraus, art director at the Wall Street Journal drove an assignment proposal by. I had fun kicking around ideas of a future natural gas auto world. Orlie & I discussed the article on the phone, and we both threw out ideas. The visual steered around to an American Muscle car with big blue natural gas flames coming out of the back. The car would be frackin' fast I suppose. Probably not the most PC thing. As I worked on the sketches & finish, visions of youthful passions of Hot Wheels, Hot Rod magazine, Car Craft, …….. kept me bolting together my finish. After polishing the details I sent her off for the show. Hot Wheels & the Wall Street Journal hmm…there's a mix.

Preliminary sketches

Development & execution of final art in vector.

Finish fired up.

polish those rims! - dete. - vector art

Usage on web & print, done & run.