Finished an assignment for a magazine I was not familiar with until recently. The magazine is Associations Now, which is a resource, " of learning, knowledge and future-oriented research for the association and nonprofit profession, and provides resources, education, ideas and advocacy to enhance the power and performance of the association and nonprofit community". Okay, That's from their website. The art director, Beth Lower had come forward with a visual in mind. That visual suggestion was as follows, "At our editorial meeting we discussed a simple idea of water with a periscope poking out—and maybe the subtle image of the submarine under the water. Please let me know what you think". I liked the idea having dealt with a sub-like craft in previous assignment some years ago. I had presented the idea that I wanted to work in vector software for the assignment. Beth was comfortable with my wanting to work in vector. I was emailed the article, and read it. Having read the article it was my opinion that Beth's visual was as good or better than any I would offer. After developing my sketches, a couple seemed to be leaning in another direction in my minds eye. Focusing in on the subject early has the benefit of really nailing down the design, and look of the final art. Beth & I also discussed what in my illustration work she thought stood out in her mind. She was leaning toward my traditional work in tone and feel. So it was agreed I would work in my oil based approach. By getting the focus on the subject early, and a sketch approved quickly, there was the time I desired to do the execution I wanted. My concern when working in oils is that changes or tweaks after the finish is done, is like taking a hammer to a freshly constructed surface. No command-Z keystrokes, or backed-up versions to quickly fix. In the closing, I quite enjoyed the process, and subject of this assignment as no mines were encountered.
JUNE 7, 2012
Sketches - three directions with a variation on one.
Illustration art for an article titled; Hiring from the Outside. Oils on paper.
Beth Lower, Art Director
ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership
Associations Now Magazine